8 Things I Think are Crucial For Me To Stay Happy

1. My mom - have lived with her all my life. I can't imagine living without someone who understands and cares for me, and who loves me just because.

2. Good health - good health is the greatest treasure one could have. You might have all the money in the world, but money doesn't cure illnesses all the time.

I had only been in the hospital twice - first was when I suffered amoebiasis during my college days, second was for hypokalemia two years ago. The second one was a little major and I was almost ready to die when it happened. My body was lifeless. I couldn't even lift a finger or move my toes. And I was like, I couldn't live like this I might as well die.

Hypokalemia changed my life, really. It made me realize that I can die any time, and that death won't give you a notice when it comes. From then on, I tried to make every single day of my life fruitful and meaningful as much as I could.

3. Money - let's face it, it's easier to be happy when you have money. Material things bring happiness, admit it. And it's easier to live life with money. Been there myself.

I was in grade one when the mining company my father was working for died down. It was hard for all of us, especially because my older sister is already going to college that same year. My father decided to move to Manila when opportunity came. He brought my older siblings with him. My mom and I stayed at the province, and I remember how my mother did everything she knew to make money. Aside from sewing, which she kept as a job since she was still single, she also raised hogs, planted bananas, bought and sold goods to and from Manila. I was sad for her. I was the only witness (in our family) of her hard work.

When my father and two siblings had settled a bit, dad started sending us money. I knew mom started feeling a little better. And I can still remember vividly the coloring book and crayons she bought me the day after she received the money. And I knew at that moment that I could already breathe a little easier.

4. My dog - oh lo! She's the center of my life. I originally planned to adopt a kid but with the bad experiences on bringing up my two nieces, I decided against it. It's kinda hard to invest in people, more especially so when they're not your own kids. I'd rather give all of my parental attention to my shih tzu. At least dogs give their humans unconditional love.

5. Friends - I'm not a big crowd person, but I have a lot of friends. Friends who don't like big crowds, too. LOL!

6. Internet - my love. How could anyone possibly live a fast-paced life without the internet these days? Well, at least I think I can't.

7. Movies - Most movies I've watched, I watched over the net. So I put internet first before movies.

It's just such a good experience to get lost in a movie everytime. And hey, we learn a lot just by watching.

8. Travelling - I make it a point to go somewhere new each year. This year I'm planning to go to Sagada. Perhaps during the "ber" months. I just don't have any idea yet on who to drag along. But I don't think that'd be a problem at all.

This list is originally 10. But I can't think of two more that'd be "crucial" to my happiness. LOL!

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