A Vet Trip on the Last Day of the Year

Amid the chaos inside our house while everyone’s busy preparing for the New Year, Princess threw up her breakfast on the sofa on the last day of 2010. Imagine how I felt! Part of me wanted to bring her immediately to the vet, but part of me also wanted to wait until the next day cuz it might be just a case of something not to be alarmed of. But then Animal House Alabang wouldn’t be open on the New Year, they only have the Jupiter branch for emergencies on that day.

So I immediately took a bath, got dressed and dragged Princess to Alabang.

Call me paranoid (cuz I am) but in our three years of being together, throwing up is Princess’s first sign of sickness. And of course a dog won’t throw up if there’s nothing wrong with her.

After checking Princess, Doc Djoanne took a blood sample for CBC.

Princess didn’t have any fever or any physical sign that she’s sick. I waited at the reception for the CBC result, praying that everything’s normal. Actually, I was kinda positive that time that it would be normal. So I busied myself looking at the other dogs.

After about 30 minutes, the result came. Normal. So I opted for a more thorough kidney and liver tests. Results will come out on the fourth.

Princess is now on a special i/d diet and is under Cimetidine and Liveroline (just in case her liver’s the problem). Anyway, her poop’s okay and she never threw up since.

The vet gave me a number of possible reasons why Princess would throw up. One was that she played right after eating. Two was that she licked something that her stomach wouldn’t take. And others I cannot remember as of this time. Those two stuck with me cuz they were the most probable. But I’m hoping it’s just the first reason.

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