a busy october

I should have known and prepared, October is such a busy month – physically, financially, and emotionally. I have high hopes on the financial part, though, because I ventured into another business. It made a bump in my wallet but like everyone going into a business, I’m expecting more in return.

And how timely it was when I turned on the tv this afternoon. It was tuned in to
Knowledge Channel – I really wonder who last watched the tv – and the topic was the pros and cons of going into a business. Not that I’m still a newbie on this part but investing a big part of my limited money on something new makes me paranoid. The pros were the usual you’ll be working for yourself and you’ll be managing your own time thingies. And the list of disadvantages all sum up to this: what if no one patronizes your business. I was like awwwwwwww! I hope that doesn’t happen to me.

On the other hand, this article about small businesses is a great read:
abc's of small business.

So the new business explains my physical and financial exhaustion. How about the emotional one? Well, this pic explains it best. I’m not an emo, though.

A cute picture although I have a feeling they are both guys. Oh, well, it's the message that counts. I feel that way right now, really. And if I have the will, I'll change Manila's location to Canada... next to Alberta.

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