
Princess vomited her dinner last Friday night. I thought it was just the food because she usually throws up unwanted food after eating it. But she threw up thrice on Saturday and the same on Sunday. It happened a few hours after her meals. So off to the vet on Monday!

She had blood, kidney and liver tests, but since the results were still to come out Wednesday (today), Dr. Djoanna Quinto gave Princess meds for gastroenteritis and something for vomiting. Her conclusion was gastroenteritis but just to be sure, I agreed to have those other tests taken.

Princess was again put on a special diet (my credit card's already complaining).

Anyway, the results of the tests were phoned to me by Dr. Quinto this morning. Princess' kidney and liver are normal. But her lymphocyte and isoprinosine are slightly high so she was prescribed 2 additional medicines (which I've yet to buy).

Princess, I think, just wanted to be nursed. Cuz she didn't show any more sign of sickness when we arrived from the vet (even before I gave her the medicine). And she hadn't vomited up until now.

But she can't take a bath for 7 days and she's still on the prescription diet and she has to take meds for up to the 18th. We go back to the vet on the 19th.

Anyway, I bought dog biscuits and treats last Monday (to be "enjoyed" after the recovery):

This one's a freebie from the 3.5kg Pedigree:

And I promised to buy her this bed if there was nothing wrong with the blood, kidney and liver tests. But there was! So I guess this bed has to wait:

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