The Baby Maker

I gave my nephew Juansen a sugar glider for a birthday present March of last year. I bought it from Doc Erich who was selling exotic pets like that, plus hedgehogs, and tarantulas.

The sugar glider is female, and they named her Aji.

Juansen told me he also wanted a male one so I told my dentist to have a male glider reserved for me. Reservation line was so long back then. I was 10th.

Before Christmas 2010, I was able to avail of a male sugar glider and gave it to my nephew. He named him Hiro.

Now they don't know who Hiro is anymore.

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Aji has given birth twice already. One male glider on both times. They are now both the size of Hiro and all look alike, so you won't be able to tell who Hiro is anymore. Aji is the only female. Kawawa naman. Juansen now calls her "baby maker."

The fourth sugar glider wouldn't come out of the "house" the whole time I was in my nephew's house last Monday.

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