Flattery Over Ice Cream

Justine was both shocked and overwhelmed that Shaun chose her to share the reward with. It’s her first time to be on a helicopter, much more, a helicopter ride that would give her a tour of all of Palau.

The two of them were taken to an island where they were treated to an ice cream feast. And of course, Shaun made the move to get Justine’s confidence. He even said that the nicest way to end the show is to have the first cast-off become the sole survivor. Flattery went a long way, too, because Justine seemed to become more convinced when Shaun said that if ever she won, she’d be the most beautiful sole survivor so far.

It seemed though that Justine was just very good in putting up a front, because she’s still true to her alliances Jef and Charles. They wanted either Mika or Shaun out. If one of the two got the immunity, then they’d vote the other out, and vice versa.

Jef and Charles, perceived to be two of the weakest from the very start, look like on top of the game now. Charles got the Immunity once, and Jef was almost always among the front runners during challenges.

Immunity Challenge tomorrow is another endurance test. Something that involves a bucket and a raft. Will Mika win so that her Red Pearl won’t have any effect in the next Tribal Council?

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