Celibacy is the Answer

So HIV/AIDS in the country is now an epidemic? Hala!

I was watching TV Patrol World last night when they reported that the number of HIV/AIDS cases recorded by PGH has doubled within the last 2 years. And when something like that happens, it's already considered as an epidemic.

Moreso, the cases aren't just confined within the gay community, the prostitutes, and the drug users, as was before. Most of the recently recorded cases by the PGH are young professionals, mostly those working in call centers.

It was also said that the internet is partly to blame. Social networking sites give easy access to sex. Well not specifically Facebook and Friendster, but perhaps Planet Romeo and the likes. Yikes! No I don't have a Planet Romeo account, just if you're wondering.

I just hope everyone practices safe sex. Or if you can, be celibate. Like me. =D

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